Reach up to the heavens with arms open wide
Take hold of its beauty, breathe it inside
Take in its majesty, memorize its grand views
Engulf its bright lights and magnificent hues

Look above the aged trees that touch the sky
And listen to the whispers of the mourning cry
Listen through the whirring breezes and you can hear the names
Sobbing with great heartache, crying out with such pains
Names of all loved ones with silent prayers unsaid
Echoing with profoundness inside my head

And now the sun burns in my ears your sweet voice
Saying don't thirst for what once was, this is the Lord's choice
Now I know there's beauty below, but up here there's no compare
There's no pain, no heartache, there's no despair
You can lay your head upon the angel's knee
And know no pain, just filled with such glee

I know you miss me, I miss you too
But I'm sending an angel to watch over you
The angel will let you know I'm always near
To ease your heartache and wipe your tears
And the next time you reach up to the heavens above
You'll feel the kiss of all my love

So please don't let the grief consume your soul
And remember through God, you too can be whole
And when you think you can no longer stand
I'm up here in heaven with God, waiting to take hold of your hand
So listen beyond the whispers of the mourning and you'll see
I'm with the Lord our God
I'm finally free.

I'm standing on the mountain tops
Looking through the horizons of night's earth
Such heights and depths of heartaches
Scream out for understanding and compassion

Wanting to surrender into the impenetrable darkness
Praying for visions and dreams to speak to me
And guide my tormented soul

Feeling alone to struggle with the sufferings of the flesh
I feel natural human emotions, sympathies and need for understanding
Yearning to be embraced by them all

I look up to the heavens with outstretched arms
And see the shadows of reality
There is no darkness—only light
The light that reflects off the castles made of gold in heaven.

I feel the simple unconditional devotion that draws me near
The heavens of pure and utter beauty
I am compelled by the power of His holiness
And surrender to the love of God
As the spirit bears witness unto my soul
The promise that we will be together again.

Our Wedding Album Our Baby Girl
Charlie's Tragic Story I Know You Go On
Without You Up To Where You Are
The Wind Beneath My Wings Special Poetry
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